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  • 主演:玛丽昂·歌迪亚,玛丽·布奈尔,狄迪尔·弗拉蒙,莫娜·阿查切,皮埃尔奥瑟达,Tella Kpomahou
  • 导演:莫娜·阿查切
  • 类型:剧情片
  • 年代: 2023
  • 地区: 法国,比利时
  • 简介:

    该片于2023上映,由莫娜·阿查切导演,玛丽昂·歌迪亚,玛丽·布奈尔,狄迪尔·弗拉蒙,莫娜·阿查切,皮埃尔奥瑟达,Tella Kpomahou等主演,主要讲述的是After her mother’s death, Mona Achache discovers thousands of photos, letters and recordings, but these buried secrets make her disappearance even more of an enigma. Through the power of filmmaking an,喜欢就分享此链接http://www.hiqifu.com/vod-detail-id-179136.html或者搜索豆瓣影院给你们的小伙伴吧 After her mother’s death, Mona Achache discovers thousands of photos, letters and recordings, but these buried secrets make her disappearance even more of an enigma. Through the power of filmmaking and the beauty of incarnation, she brings her mother back to life to retrace her journey and find out who she really was.展开全部↓ 收起全部↑